What Is The Fuss About Burning Calories In A Day

One of the most vital point to understand when you are in a weight loss program is the number of calories burned in a day.  Appropriately, it should be remembered that in order to lose weight, caloric intake should now exceed the amount of calories that you burn.  The key is to realize this and fully understand it.

One of your body’s greatest gift is its power to use calories throughout the day.  To do certain functions, your body uses energy..  According to recent research, nearly 2,000 calories in a day can be burned by a person.  So if your interest is to lose weight,then you would need to log the number of how many calories you burn in a day.  To explain further…

So do your part and make all this information help you with your goal.  The fact that you engage yourself in rigid exercise activity and you limit your food intake per se is insufficient, losing weight will be impossible if your caloric intake is more than what you can actually burn.  This is why it is crucial to figure out the number of calories you consume and burn every day, that way you can adjust your food consumption and your exercise to balance the need.  You cannot possibly lose weight if you lose 2,000 calories then consume 3,000 calories afterwards.  Your must agree that in today’s high technology and busy lifestyle, it is so easy to consume 3,000 calories.  The number of calories burn in a day needs to be calculated, but how?  Let me tell you how…

As discussed earlier, energy is needed by your body in order for you to be able to do things.  And by burning calories,  your body can get energy.  Simply put, your body need energy in order to breath, digest food and even to blink an eye.  Although you may not be moving, your body is still burning calories.  Although the amount burned is not significant.

The Rasal Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the total number of calories that you burn in a day when you are at rest.  You have to determine your RMR before you commit yourself into any weight loss program.  There are many health related websites that can assist in calculating that number.  To maintain your weight, all you need to do is consume the amount of calories equal to your RMR.

There are three basic categories of physical activities and they are light, moderate and heavy.

Light workouts include walking, gardening and household chores.  Minimum of 4 calories per minute can be utilized in these activities.

Aerobics, light weight training, cycling fall under moderate workouts which can make your body burn about 6 calories per minute.

Finally, in heavy workouts like power walking, high intensity training, high impact sports, hardcore mountain biking and heavy lifting can burn almost 10 calories per minute.

To lose weight, you will need to add the number of calories that you burn in a day to your personal RMR.  Also, make it a point that the calories you consumed in that day does not exceed the newly calculated (RMR plus calories burned) number.

Performing the right physical activities together with a healthy diet will help you achieve your desired weight.  It is important that you make these changes an integral part of your being.  If you are a busy mom and you are looking for ways to lose weight, these is a very popular program called Fit Yummy Mummy.

Fit Yummy Mummy enhances your will to lose weight as it is not complicated like the other weight loss programs out there.  It is specially designed for busy moms who cannot engage themselves into long trainings in the gym, thus the short 30 minute workouts that this program provides is essential.  These effective short exercises will enhances weight loss and it will also keep your energy up throughout the day.

Performing these exercises three to four times a week will definitely get you back into shape andshed off those excess weight.  It is best that you monitor your calories burned and intake every day to make adjustments as you work towards your weight loss goals.

If you are looking for more ideas, have a look at how to lose belly fat.

Ways To Burn Calories Without Even Knowing It


Tired of going to the gym to work out, you more than likely want to find funner ways to Tips to Burn Calories. These are some funner tips on how to burn calories and not even know it.




Waiting around much? Studies show that people spend years of their lives in total waiting! How do you make the most out of all this waiting? If you are like most people, you sit while you wait. We wait in the doctor’s office, at the bank, at the air port, at the pharmacy, and a million other places. If you stand instead of sit while you are waiting, you will burn 36 more calories an hour. Even though there is only a small difference it really adds up fast. This is one of the best ways to burn calories truly without even knowing it.


Wash Your Car


Almost everyone loves to have a shiny, clean vehicle. The average person takes their vehicle through the car wash to make it look its best. But if you choose to wash your car by hand, you will actually burn calories! Depending on how big your vehicle is and how much energy you spend cleaning it, you can burn almost 300 calories an hour. This is almost the same as taking a jog or exercising lightly at the gym. But rather than being in a hot humid gym, you can be working out out side and doing something fun. This is a great way to burn calories without even knowing it. You can include your children and make a game out of it.


Play With Your Kids


Studies show that excess television watching and video game usage in children has a negative impact on them. But there are many other reasons to get the kids involved and play with them. Playing with your kids is a great way to burn calories without even feeling like you are working out at all! Depending on what you do with your children, you can burn anywhere from a few calories to up to 150 calories every ten minutes! Jumping rope, playing catch, or playing tag are some great ways to play with your children and burn calories at the same time. Get your kids involved they will thank you for it.


So before you dismiss working out as too boring and taking too much time, just keep in mind the little things that you can do to burn calories and not even know it.

Tips to Burn Calories and Lose Weight Fast Click Here