Creating the Right Mindset About Dieting and Weight Loss

For any undertaking to be successful, it is important to have a strategy. However, a plan of action is not enough. It needs to be fueled by the right mindset. This is particularly evident in the case of dieters. Many people start out right by setting goals and having the determination to achieve these. Unfortunately though, in certain cases, something happens along the way and then people abandon their weight loss efforts. The reason: Negative and self-defeating thoughts that creep up and eventually take over a dieter like cancer causing him or her to abandon all efforts at weight loss.

Our relationship with food and our perception of it greatly impacts how our weight loss pursuits turn out. In other words, our success or failure depends on these personal concepts. There are certain viewpoints about food that spell failure and a dieter needs to change them if he or she wants to succeed.

Let us look into some helpful ideas that would help you get into the right mindset about dieting and weight loss:

1. Stop being an emotional eater. Try to find out what emotions trigger your bingeing. A lot of times we let our feelings dictate what we eat and how much. This has got to stop because we will continue to face these emotions, negative or positive, throughout our lives and as they come along, our weight issues will likewise continue to worsen. Be more conscientious about your food choices and focus only on what you should be eating regardless of how you are feeling.

2. Do not reward yourself with food. Many people allow themselves to indulge after completing a challenging task or accomplishing a goal. Unfortunately this fleeting moment of uncontrolled eating has long term effects. Such behavior only stresses our system because the wrong food choices and poor portion control cause many different health problems. Be more disciplined and put an end to that destructive behavior of rewarding yourself with food.

3. Do not let your friends get you off track. There are people who, when their friends become involved, lose all common sense. When it comes to dieting, the same thing applies. Cheating on your diet seems justifiable when done with friends and the tendency is to do it more often. If you seriously want to lose weight, stay away from friends who you think are not as determined as you are to succeed.

4. Finally, when you eat out, still eat right. Some people think that it’s okay to cheat whenever they eat in a restaurant or have dinner at a friend’s house. Being disciplined about your eating habits applies to every situation. If you make exceptions, you will not develop self-discipline which is what it takes to successfully lose weight.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Program and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.

Extreme Diet Burn

Metabolic rates are defined as the level by which the foods consumed and digested within the system are broken down into raw energy that can enter the cells for usage. Technically, though, this metabolic rate is more complicated than it seems. If anything, though, it is already quite obvious that this metabolic rate has a great role in maximizing weight gain and in making the pursuit for weight loss seem more difficult and laden with troubling complications.

For the longest time, various means were already tried out to try to stimulate the body’s metabolic processes. According to studies, increasing the body’s metabolic rate can be possible through exercise and regular physical activity. But the thing with such an exercise regimen is that it might no be viable for those people who are particularly bust and have no time left to do rigorous physical activities.

The answer for weight loss can be addressed already because here now is a weight loss supplement that can aid in the effective elimination of fat through a single weight loss formula. The said formula is called Extreme Diet Burn. From the name of the product itself, it is already quite evident how this product is being claimed to be a powerful fat weight loss formula. Let us look more closely at this product to see how it can aid in weight loss.

From what we have initially discovered, Extreme Diet Burn is a product that claims to increase the body’s fat burning power enabling it to burn calories faster and more efficiently. In this review we will examine the product to determine its ability to deliver promised results. Its main ingredients are comprised of Yerba Mate, Guarana Extract, Garcinia Cambogia, Psyilium, and Fo Ti Root.

Yerba Mate is a species of holly which is native to South America. Its leaves are dried to make tea. Like other substances that contain caffeine, Yerba Mate reduces the appetite and increases metabolic rate. Moreover, it also has unique properties in that there have been studies which show that it has the ability to decrease body fat thereby making it a very good thermogenic ingredient. However, the danger with this weight loss ingredient is that it might cause nervousness, insomnia, palpitations of the heart and more severely, even heart failure and seizures. This is especially true when Yerba Mate is used in large doses and in high frequencies as well.

That said; we therefore believe that these weight loss ingredients might not be a good idea to include in a weight loss supplement. We think that other supplements, instead, should be patronized. Other potent weight loss formulas are available and these formulas should be able to eliminate fat and body weight without compromising the health of the dieter.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Free Weight Loss Reviews and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.


Looking for a weight loss solution might seem hard at first, but once you get to know what your body needs to lose weight, everything else will come easily to you. One way to lose weight is through striking a balance in your daily food consumption and in your exercise regimen. Ideally, those people who want to lose weight while taking care that their systems are in good condition is not to eat more calories that they can eliminate. Through this way, it would be easier to lose weight while also ensuring overall health and wellness.

To a great extent, we all know that health and wellness, and weight-related dilemmas as well, can be augmented through exercise and diet, especially if the programs for these are quite apt to the needs of the dieters. But then again, for those people who want to see results more rapidly, the ideal option is to lose weight through weight loss products such as the products that are offered by Eniva. Eniva is one of the leading manufacturing companies of dietary supplements. Their products are apt in responding to the enhancement of overall health and wellness and of course, of weight loss as well.

If truth be told, one thing about this company strikes us as a little odd. We noted that the company offers several weight loss supplements. Surprisingly, the formulas used in the weight loss supplements produced by the company are only slightly different from each other. The alarming thing with this is that more often than not the said products contain weight loss ingredients which have laxative functions.

Laxatives are also known as purgatives. It aids in bowel movement when used positively, but when abused, the use of laxatives can lead to serious health hazards, especially in the organs within the endocrine system.

On a more positive note, we can see that some of h formulas made by this company do not include stimulants which can also hamper the overall health of an individual. Moreover, most of the weight loss ingredients carried by their products are from natural and organic essences. But still, the inclusion of laxatives in almost all of the products offered by the company is something that keeps us from recommending this weight loss product to dieters.

In all honesty, we believe that weight loss is an important pursuit but we also believe that health and wellness should not be compromised just to push for weight loss. So for a safe and effective weight loss formula, the best option is to use a formula that has Hoodia Gordonii and Advantra-Z in its formulation.

About the Author
Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Reviews and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.

The Wonders of Vegetable Juice

A lot of people enjoy the idea of leading a healthy lifestyle for the reason that adapting this particular way of life has proven to be a good means to improve the sense of well-being for most individuals. Moreover, the positive change on the health and the ability of the body to strengthen immunity is also furthered through a healthy way of life. A healthy way of life may mean a lot of things for different sets of individuals. On one hand, a healthy way of life may simply be synonymous to a following a balanced meal plan and an active and non-sedentary lifestyle. On the other hand, some people also opt to follow a healthy way of life by also adapting more measures to ensure the absorption of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients in the body.

For those people who are categorized on the latter, whether they are individuals who simply want to be healthy or dieters who want to boost their chances at weight loss, another viable option is to consume healthy alternatives that contain essential nutrients. These alternatives include sufficient amount of vegetable juice that can be taken in while maintaining a weight and health management program.

According to recent studies, vegetables are indeed a great way to absorb essential nutrients but aside from vegetables, another alternative is to drink vegetable juice. The results of the study states that drinking at least one glass of vegetable juice a day can help ward off weight gain. In fact, the experiment made by the researchers conjured up the results that vegetable juice, especially those that are low in sodium, can increase the chances of weight loss by twice as much, compared to a health and weight management program that includes a balanced diet and rounds of physical activities but does not include a healthy dose of vegetable juice.

Actually, the facts behind the results of this study is bordering on the findings that vegetable juice helps reduce appetite. In addition, vegetable juice drinkers are more likely to get the recommended 3 to 5 servings of vegetables daily. Admittedly, there are those of us who don’t often consume the amount of vegetables that we need everyday to make our diet more balanced and more filled with essential fibers, calcium and phosphorus. Meanwhile, another good thing with drinking a healthy dose of vegetable juice is that it can allow an individual to have a healthy heart and a healthy digestive tract as well. This is due to the fact that vegetable juice is laden with fibers, which in turn can lead to a lot of positive effects for the individual.

Drink up on vegetable juice to have a fuller life, this would surely beat all those unwanted fats and all those triggering factors that may lead to various diseases.

About the Author
Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Dieting Reviews and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.

Is the Atkins Diet For You? Low-Carb Diet Answers

Raspberries with whipped cream, steak, bacon and eggs, lobster, coffee with cream…diet foods they’re not, right?

Wrong.  The foods listed above are actually part of an effective low carbohydrate diet regimen leading to permanent weight loss.

Weight loss without deprivation is what the Atkins Diet is all about and unsurprisingly, this very attractive concept is what has made it such a hugely popular diet plan.

Colette Heimowitz, Nutritional Director of Education and Research at Atkins Health and Medical Information Services, says that the key to saying goodbye to fat for good is in doing the low-carb diet the way it should be. 

Going back to one’s old eating habits will bring back all the pounds pronto!

According to Heimowitz it is essential that dieters master the four phases of the Atkins Nutritional Approach which include: the Induction Phase, Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance.

Aside from the fact that good foods are not disallowed in the diet, the other great thing about the Atkins plan is that it does not focus on calorie counting. This diet proclaims that keeping track of one’s carbohydrate intake is the key to lasting weight loss.  The Atkins diet considers white flour and white sugar as public enemies No. 1 and No. 2 respectively.  These substances are also believed to be the two major causes of the epidemic of obesity in America.  In fact, according to most experts, as many as six in ten Americans are overweight.

Dr. Robert Atkins, creator of the eponymous diet, first made his presence known in the field of weight loss in 1972 with the release of his book, Diet Revolution, which became a bestseller.  As expected, he received a barrage of criticisms with his innovative diet approach, but in the end his plan not only survived, it thrived.  Studies show that people who follow the Atkins philosophy may be able to lose from 6 to 20 pounds over the first two weeks eating foods that are normally excluded from most weight loss diet plans.

Most people mistakenly assume the plan to be meat-based.  Actually, the diet also includes cheeses, whole grains, fresh fish, poultry, fruits, and vegetables.  In other words, the Atkins approach can be easily adapted to one’s low carb diet lifestyle.  

What’s so appealing about the program is that you don’t have to count calories. You only have to count carbohydrates. People find they’re not as obsessed with food.

Heimowitz further claims that this is the most direct way of burning fat.  When there are not enough carbohydrates available to be converted into energy, the body uses fat instead.  Thus, by following the Atkins Nutritional Approach, the body is made to burn fat for fuel before they get the chance to accumulate in the arteries or fat cells.  For this reason, the Atkins plan reduces dieters’ risk for serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Now this great diet has gone online with a link up with the world’s No. 1 weight loss website.  The Atkins Nutritional Approach as powered by eDiets provides a personalized meal plan tailored to your needs and access to professional support 24/7.

According to Horowitz, “It’s a valuable tool for information and support. Recent research has shown that people will maintain weight loss and succeed for longer periods of time when they have support, which is what the book alone cannot offer. eDiets offers 24/7 support and information and helps you personalize your program to suit your needs and tastes. This is effective and permanent weight control.”

The site also has support boards in the Community through which those who follow the Atkins approach may be able to interact with fellow dieters on the same plan.  This provides them with the benefit of having a network of steady supporters undergoing the same experience.

Apart from the support, dieters will be guided as they go through the four phases of the Atkins Nutritional Approach.  Some may find the Induction Phase to be quite restrictive in that the amount carbs you consume is limited (no fruit, nuts or seeds during the first two weeks) although as they move into the maintenance phase,  healthy carbs will be added into the diet.

To sum up Heimowitz says, “The Atkins Nutritional Approach works for people, who need to control carbohydrate consumption in order to access their fat storage and burn fat.  It’s for people who suffer from carbohydrate addiction, for people who are overweight and for those not as physically active.

About the Author
Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Dieting Products Information and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.

The Benefits of Whey Protein

Justifying the reasons why we eat what we put on our plates is one of the ways be which we can control our urges. When we put healthy food and heap it up on our plate, we remind ourselves to live healthy and to make wise lifestyle choices as well.

When we want to lose weight, we also make these necessary lifestyle changes to aid our pursuits to shed off those unwanted layers of fat that have accumulated in our bodies.

Weight loss is definitely an option for those who really need to get rid of their excess weight and fat, but how does weight goals get reached? Weight loss goals can become a reality through a healthy lifestyle choice. The first step in ensuring that you are fit and healthy is to go for a high-fiber diet. A high-fiber diet can be beneficial in the sense that it can sweep away unwanted toxins in the body, which can harm the system in the long run. Moreover, a high-fiber diet can also detoxify the system so as to cleanse the body from harmful toxins that have accumulated.

There are various means to achieve weight loss, but most of these are not natural and are not effective for long-term and permanent use. According to a new study, there is a new element found in whey protein which can aid in weight loss. Accordingly, a whey-protein-rich ingredient may improve blood vessel function in healthy individuals, reports a new randomized, double-blind study. This effect can have a positive impact on our metabolic processes and as such, it can also lead to more chances for weight loss.

Some people might not believe that whey protein can be this beneficial, but it’s true. In fact, studies also suggest that whey protein, which consists of ACE inhibitors, work by inhibiting the conversion of angiotensin I to the potent vasoconstrictor, angiotensin II, thereby improving blood flow and blood pressure. In turn, these effects can also have an impact on regularizing blood sugar levels for diabetics and cholesterol levels for hypertensive people. Suffice it to say, whey protein is so much like a miracle element in the sense that it can address various health concerns through its highly-recommended properties.

For those people who need a boost in their health and in their weight loss pursuits as well, better try ingesting a healthy dose of whey protein to maximize your potential for health and wellness? Just imagine, less strenuous dieting, only making right food choices, proper eating habits and of course, a sufficient amount of whey protein to prep up all of your health and nutrition needs. Get your hands on whey protein now and experience its effects on your body


About the Author
Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Dieting Reviews and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.

A Professional Nurse Comes to the Conclusion to Quit Drinking, Stop Smoking, Start Exercising, and Go on a Diet

For the past twenty-five years Natalie has been a registered nurse at a inner city hospital. As a licensed practical nurse, she undoubtedly knew what to tell her patients when it came to their health difficulties but in her off-duty life, then again, she clearly didn’t practice what she preached. For instance, she characteristically drank quite extensively, she frowned upon doing any physical exercise, she smoked nearly two packs of cigarettes everyday, and she was more or less twenty-seven pounds overweight.

Natalie Gets Into A Vehicle Accident, Fails An Alcohol Test, and Goes to The Community Jail

One afternoon on her way to the hospital, Natalie got into an automobile accident. Because the accident was her fault and since her speech was garbled when she talked, the arresting policewoman administered a breathalyzer test. As per standard police policy, when an individual becomes involved in a traffic accident and does not pass an alcohol test, the person has to spend at least four hours in the local jail.

In fact, Natalie should have known better than to drive after she was drinking because she recently attended an “alcohol awareness” class at the hospital that centered on information about alcohol facts such as the following: binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, DUIs, and the key differences between alcohol abuse and alcoholism.

Natalie is Experiencing Quite a Bit of Shame About Her Vehicle Accident

It almost goes without saying that Natalie felt disgraced about her traffic accident. Not only this but she was embarrassed about the fact that the accident was her fault. And conceivably worst of all, she experienced quite a bit of shame about the fact that she was driving while under the influence. As Natalie reflected on this event, however, she realized that it could have been far worse because at the hospital, when a alcohol blood test is administered and failed, the individual has to go to mandatory alcohol therapy and is placed on non-pay status. This was actually one of the alcohol facts that was a reality at the hospital and not much could be expected to change this fact.

Natalie’s Embarrassment About Her Car Accident Helps Persuade Her To Reevaluate Her Life and Make Some Substantial and Positive Alterations

At any rate, Natalie’s humiliation about her automobile accident encouraged her to reconsider her life and make some significant and beneficial modifications. First, she was going to refrain from drinking in an excessive and hazardous manner. Second, she was going to quit smoking. Third, she was going to go on a diet. And fourth, she was going to start exercising.

As troubled as Natalie was about the entire traffic accident situation, she used this upsetting experience as a trigger for beneficial change. Moreover, she used her painful experience as a real source of revelation that she had been neglecting her own health while she openly told others how to live in a more healthy manner. At the end of the day, she eventually saw the two-facedness in her actions and came to a decision that she would live her life as a constructive source of hope for the patients at the hospital.

How Effective Is Weight Loss Surgery?

Weight loss surgery proves to be more beneficial for obese folks rather than enrolling in any diet or exercise regimens available. It showed remarkable positive results in removing excessive weight fats. Though exercising and dieting is approved by experts to remove the excess weight, it is also a definite for the weight to return after a period of 5years.

So far, records have shown that after undergoing weight loss surgical treatment, patients have a high success rate of staying slim for a longer period of time. There are a lot of reasons that can influence the high-rate success of this procedures and why it is basically more effective than plain dieting and exercise.

Reports regarding clients who have went through weight loss procedure losses about 50-70 percent of their total body weight in a span of just 3 years. And there are those who underwent gastric bypass procedure lost weight in as little as 12 months. But consequently gastric bypass have to cope with a number of tricky health problems than those who underwent Lap-band procedure. Mainly due to the slow progression of weight loss of the latter rather than a dramatic but rapid weight loss of the former.

Clinically, when a client have as much as 50 percent of the excess body weight and keeps it off without fail it is already considered as a well done procedure. Although after the surgery clients have to do things a bit differently with their daily routine to ensure that they keep the weight off. A 50-60 percent weight loss will still be noticed after 10 years from the operation. And even just a 10percent drop in a person’s weight can still result to very rewarding health conditions. Clients who have respiratory or gastric problems and sugar problem will benefit for sure. The most likely candidates to undergo this procedure are those who have their weight up to 75-100lbs or at least a 35 on BMI. But still every success will depend on the clients persuasions and wanting to be better.

Those who have undergone any weight loss procedure would surely be happy with the outcome. But primarily it is the health-related benefits that they should really be thankful of. The weight loss procedures not only enhances the appearance of the person but also resolve the underlying problems of having excessive weight around.

Individuals who have undergone any weight loss procedure, like a lap-band surgery, quantify the result according to tasks that they find impossible to do before the procedure.

These are just little things that are quite simple but yet proves to be a chore for the obese. Simply using the stairs can be hard work if you are lifting up more weight than your body can handle. And even being able to sit on chairs that before would make the person uneasy and afraid of falling down on.

Since a large percentage of clients have come back with very good results it is still necessary to have a good understanding of what to expect and look forward to.

Read down to get some key points that might enlighten you better on weight loss procedures.

Pre-surgery Weight
Basically a client will lose almost the same amount as a persons extra weight that is measured before undergoing surgery. And those who carry a lesser amount of extra pounds can effectively hit their target weight if they stick to continuous combination of diet and work out. Obesity related health risk will also be eliminated in time. Even just shedding off a few pounds will enhance a person’s bill of health surprisingly well. The earliest possible time that a person undergoes weight loss will give better result.

Overall Health
The state or condition of a persons health can affect the outcome and triumph of any weight loss procedure. Reports on some individuals health statute have dramatically improved after undergoing a weight loss procedure. 500 out of a 2000 study have showed 96 percent of improvement on pre-surgery health condition after submitting themselves to the procedure.

Surgical Procedure
Normally individuals who undergo any kind of medical operation have to understand that there are some probable side-effect and obstacles of having an operation. You should have complete trust and knowledge of the doctor that will perform your operation. Also a good knowledge of the type of operation you will have and the complications you need to be aware will be very helpful. Moreover the care given by the weight loss center after the patient comes out of operation is relatively significant to the effectiveness of the operation.

Diet and Exercise
Post-surgery precautions should be taken into serious thought. The client should follow up the operation by working out and having a healthy diet. This is to maximize the effect of the operation. Preservation of this state of health is utterly important and the individual should embrace a healthier way of life.

The individual’s dedication and devotion to changing the way his life is after the surgery would benefit the person with long-lasting effect of the surgery. The person still has to frequent the weight loss center post-surgically so as to follow up on their condition.

After the surgery the client needs to stay focused and well-motivated on getting follow-up care. Slimming down to their target weight surely will not be instantaneous but it will be a long slow ride. Mostly it will a few months after the surgery to find dramatic results in weight loss. People undergoing this procedure needs to understand that it will take time to actually find visual results and to stay focused on getting better after the surgery.

Family members, including friends, should also be guided of the post-surgery care the patient will need after the operation. A support system should be made to help the patient go through with the emotional and physical roller coaster of post surgery effects.
Bear in mind that many obesity-related health disorders are resolved after surgery can continuously advance the way the person lived before the gastric bypass surgery.

Gastric bypass or Bariatric surgery is found to be a very efficient method of helping those who suffer from obesity go through life in a much healthier way.

About the Author
Brandon H. Masters is a Health and Fitness Researcher and is also the webmaster for He enjoys teaching others about Free Weight Loss Information through natural health techniques.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review – Forget About Low Carbohydrate Diets

There are many weight loss methods available on the internet, but will they help to lose your fat? There are a lot of people that have this problem. Low carb diets have become popular over the years, but they don’t really work like they say they are going to. Moreover, when you use low carb diets you torture your body since you do not eat enough vitamins and other essential supplements. Thus, many weight watchers and people involved in fat loss industry say that it is better to avoid using low carb diets.

Low carb diets are really strict and many people find them extremely difficult to follow. Losing weight is not going to be easy, but you don’t want to make it any harder on yourself than it has to be. The thing is, these diets just make you feel miserable and exhausted, they do not even help you to lose fat.

You should not ignore healthy meals you like only because low carb diets are so strict. It is better to find an effective diet which does not require you to tortue your body and is proven to help you to lose fat. Losing weight can help you be healthier obviously, but you don’t want to put your health at risk with dieting either.

Fortunatelly, there is one really effective fat loss method called fat loss 4 idiots which has already helped thousands of people from all over the world. It is based on a very interesting medicine fact, some people call this methiod calorie shifting. Our body contains special fat burning hormones which can be activated by eating certain food. Calorie shifting allows you to eat the food you like, however you will need to generate a special diet using fat loss 4 idiots meal plan generator. To be short, calorie shifting requires you to eat ceratin meals at the right time of the day to activate this hormones.

Well, is you want to look fit and lose your fat, fat loss 4 idiots is undoubtedly what you need. It is absolutely natural and you will not need to torture your health. If you would like to find more info about calorie shifting, just check out the link below to read more about fat loss 4 idiots.

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Slimming Down By Exercise and Proper Nutrition

Getting fit and losing weight is the one surefire method for getting rid of belly fat. Those that want to learn how to get rid of belly fat must realize that it will take good exercise habits as well as watching what you eat. It will require dedication and motivation to follow a proper diet and to exercise. You will have to find the will and a desire to control what and how much you eat as well as moving your body.

Proper nutrition is necessary to begin the weight loss. Eating too much is one way how people get overweight. It sounds obvious. The problem is they go back for seconds or eat until they are absolutely full. This is not the result you hope for. You should always feel satisfied with your food intake but not to the point that you feel stuffed. There is no reason to load up your plate with food and consume every morsel. Get smaller portions and/or do not eat all of the food on your plate, despite what your mother may say. Also you should condition yourself not to go back for seconds.

Exercsing and eating a healthy diet will both be important. The goal is to get fit as well as to get rid of belly fat. Living a sedentary lifestyle will not cut it. Many fitness experts suggest simply moving by gardening or doing housework. Most likely if you want good results it will require a little more effort. The beginner can start by taking a brisk walk. Running, cycling and/or swimming will be the next step in getting fit by increasing the intensity. Strength training is also something to consider to tone and tighten up muscles and to keep your metabolism high.

It will require being properly motivated to maintain a proper diet and exercising. For many people exercise is not enjoyable. They can find any number of things they would rather do. Getting up early before work to exercise is tough to do. Conversely it is difficult to bother getting fit when you get home from work. But if you want to get fit and healthy this is what will be required. You have to find time to exercise at least four times a week to get maximum benefit.

Burning belly fat is something that will be good for your health. The less weight you have to carry on your frame the easier it is for your heart and cardio system to work. If you want to lose weight and get fit you will have to find motivation within yourself. There are tons of resources available to achieve both.