The most confidential facts about yo-yo dieting

The most confidential facts about dieting will not appear on food labels, or within a diet plan. You may only discover these on the television during some reporter’s expose on the diet industry. However, the truth about dieting can be found.

One of the most confidential facts about dieting is that the diet industry has only one thing foremost in their minds, and that is to sell you books, food, exercise equipment or whole programs. If you lose weight that is secondary, and in fact, if you don’t lose weight it works in their favor because you will then either buy more of the same products or try another weight loss plan or product.

How many people have exercise equipment hidden in the back of their closets, unused, inaccessible? How much money did they pay for this? How many people have dozens of books sitting unread on the bookshelf? In order for the diet to work, it must be part of the person? That is where the money is, in the purchasing of all these peripheral items.

Instead of buying fraudlent diets, People who wish to shed a few or more pounds would do better to spend that money on a couple of visits to their doctor and on some high quality food. Keeping a balanced diet is so much better for the body. Food should be a fuel. Your body needs variety and moderation in order to keep it working properly. For example, you can prevent disease by keeping your body’s pH balance right, about 7.4 on a scale of 14. It is proven that too low a pH can cause growth of bacteria. For your well being, it is better to be trending toward the alkaline side than the acidic side. The alkaline foods are the ones you see on healthy diet plans, the nuts, fresh vegetables, grains, fish, meat and diary products. Sugary foods take one the wrong way on the pH scale, and can not only cause diseases, but interfere with metabolism and weight control.

The constant yo-yo weight loss and gain that is so prevalent with serial dieting, is not healthy. You don't understand that you can only lose your money following these absurd weight loss plans. Celebrities and marketing efforts, books, plans, and schemes will never replace a solid balanced diet. You actually can eat more by eating correctly. And it will be less expensive in the long run. No more fads or gimmicks, live longer and healthier. Spend your diet money on sensible food, eat normal portions, and look closely at what is a healthy weight for you, and not a too skinny “Hollywood” figure! These are the most confidential facts about dieting that you will not find on a label or in a diet book or fad plan.

This article was written by Marc Hill. As always, I am looking for the whole mind/ body approach when it comes to solving life’s problems. My list of weight loss programs can be found at:

Getting Results Using Online Diet Generators

There has been a flurry of online diet generators popping up around the Internet.Are these websites helpful in losing weight?This is exactly the question we want to find the answer to.In this brief post we’re going to look at how online diet generators work, exactly how difficult the programs are to follow, and what type of results you can expect to have.

Online Diet Generators How do they work?

Most of the diet generators online either follow a popular diet such as the Mediterranean diet, or allow you to pick and choose foods from a particular list and they actually generate a diet from your selections.

A popular example of the first type of online diet generator is eDiets, their website helps you follow popular diets like the Mediterranean or Atkins 100% on the Internet.A program such as the one that would create a custom meal plan for you would be Fat Loss for Idiots. You can read our detailed fat loss 4 idiots review here..

How difficult are they to Follow?

The best feature of online diet generators is that all the information you need for your diet is easily accessible online. Simply login to the website and check what you should be eating or to grab a recipe for dinner.

Today there are a lot of Internet savvy folks, so using an online diet generator is probably the simplest way to lose belly fat.One tip, don’t get weighted down in the details because there is a lot of information available, be sure you take action.

What type of Results are Expected?

The differences between all types of diets end right here. Why? Because it takes discipline to succeed at any diet online or offline.The results you can expect to get, both good and bad, are directly a results of how closely you follow the diet.

If you decide to be lax, or have a difficult time eating exactly as you’re supposed to then you will struggle not just with an online diet generator but any diet you try to follow. There is no substitute for discipline when it comes to weight loss.

Basics of the Perricone Diet

The focus of the Perricone diet i.e. the diet plan set by renowned dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone is on looking younger and increasing longevity rather than on bringing about weight loss. These are a host of benefits that such diet plan provides. Here are the commonly observed gains reaped by resorting to the diet plan-

  • Decreasing of inflammation in all organ systems of the body.
  • Improving body metabolism.
  • Improving the heart condition and making it resistant to diseases.
  • Improving bone density.
  • Bringing about a rejuvenation of the immune system.
  • Decreasing the risk of cancer.
  • Helping in repairing the skin.
  • Helping to bring weight loss.

These are significant health benefits indeed and these account for the popularity of the diet plan the world over. People following it have been acclaiming the Perricone diet plan and have been recommending it to others too.
The Perricone diet plan basics
The Perricone diet is set based on Dr. Nicholas Perricone’s Inflammation Theory of Aging that points out that the food that is eaten by us leads to inflammations being caused and it is this inflammation that leads to aging. Just as in case of other fad diets there is a ‘villain’ in case of Perricone diet too. The ‘villain’ or ‘culprit’ that is to be dealt with/combated by the Perricone diet is inflammation.
Inflammations or the swellings are the causative factors of wrinkles, acne and other skin problems. These are the causes of a number of other medical problems too. The root cause of the inflammations or swellings lies in taking in the wrong foods. It is the bad or wrong choices of foods that are directly responsible for the wrinkles, degenerative diseases etc. as also of the hastening of the aging process.
According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, by adhering to the diet schedule as set by him- following his diet and regimen of supplements and lotions the process of aging can actually be reversed. The Perricone diet assures to make anyone look younger within a time period of even just three days.
It must be remembered that the Perricone diet is a costly diet and requires strict adherence. The diet classifies inflammatory foods as the ones that include high carbohydrate and high glycerin items. Bread, pasta and sugar or sugar containing foods are some common inflammatory foods. As per the diet plan such foods ought to be totally excluded from the diet for a continuous period of 28 days and in their place anti inflammatory food items like salmon, avocado, berries etc. are to be taken in. This will ensure better health and will benefit the skin too. So, a healthier and more attractive body and skin is what is achieved by having recourse to the Perricone diet.
Some Perricone diet suggestions seem sensible and rest on accepted scientific bases while others may seem not explanatory enough. However, though the diet is unproven to a large extent yet its benefits being apparent qualifies it as a worthy diet plan to follow.

Habits Are Dieting Challenges

When it comes to dieting there are several challenges that want to prevent you from succeeding. One of those is your habits. Habits have a nasty way of interfering with your weight loss goals. You can absolutly break your habits if you want too!

Habits are a good thing as long as they help you reach your goals. Unfortunately in many areas of life you may have developed some habits that do not benefit you. Since we are dealing with dieting and weight loss here we will focus on habits that make it more difficult to reach your dieting goals.

Maybe you can identify with this habit – watching TV or movies for hours. Hum, this does not contribute to fat lose or the building up of muscle but rather leads to muscle loss. Muscle loss further slows your body’s metabolism which reduces your bodies ability to burn fat.

Now do you just sit there or do you eat while you watch. You know the munchies, something to keep your fingers busy and your jaw a chewing! Yea, well that is another habit that does not lead to further weight loss.

You likely have other habits that will limit your fat loss goals also. If you stop and think about it for a few moments you can probably put your finger on at least one or two more areas that your habits control. Even if you do not identify with the above habits think about your own – yes you do have them – be honest with yourself.

These types of habits are major road blocks when it comes to losing weight. When you start the diet you have some initial will power and you do okay for a short period of time. But sooner then you desire the habits are back at work causing problems.

To be honest with you this is probably the biggest reason diets fail. Yes diets usually fail because of you! Ouch, the truth hurts sometimes, but be honest with yourself it is the main reason for your diet failings.

The biggest challenge is finding a system that can help you achieve your goals but even beyond that you may find that you need help with bigger issues like making mental changes that can lead to new habits.

A great diet you can follow for quick weight loss is a calorie shifting diet. It is a bit weird but it gets results. You can also learn about beating your habits at lose 15 pounds fast.