Loss Your Weight With The Use Of EFT

Weight loss should be pretty simple and easy. If you stop overeating and exercise more, you will lose weight – but then for a number of people eating is a way to comfort themselves or even distract themselves from difficult issues in their lives. It’s a lot easier said than done when the reasons for being overweight are brought about by emotional eating EFT is an easy way to learn on how to overcome those food-related emotional issues.

The cravings we get are every so often a result of stress, anxiety or another emotional event. Learning to deal with these moments without tranquilizing yourself with food can make a big difference in your ability to lose weight. People in general pay too much attention to external factors, such as obsessively counting calories, and not enough attention to internal factors, such as emotions and what’s going on inside.
Our bodies can actually crave high sugar and high fat foods in an attempt to medicate ourselves into a calmer state when we are avoiding our emotions or feeling a lot of stress. When we are in those emotional or stressful states, our body’s energy flow is blocked or disrupted, creating a block in the system, like a short circuit.

The minute you have determined the level of pain, you simply tap on specific meridian points on the body while you repeat a mantra that specifically talks about the pain. In this case, your emotional issues around food and your subsequent inability to lose weight and keep it off while also saying that you totally accept yourself. After the tapping round is complete you re-assess your level of pain. If it has not reduced to a level that you are satisfied with, you can repeat another round. When using EFT to address a complex issue such as weight loss, you would have to practice EFT a few times each day for an extended period of time, which varies according to the individual. While weight loss with EFT is not a ‘quick fix,’ it is a way to get at permanent weight loss.