The Shocking Truth About Dieting And Fat Loss

The name fat burning diet is misleading.  There is no diet that burns fat.  Only exercise burns fat.

The only way you will rid your body of excess fat is through exercise. But, you cant just do any exercise. Not all exercise burns fat. You are going to have to learn about fat burning exercise

But Much Has Been Written About Fat Burning Diets

That’s right.. When you follow an exercise program to lose fat, you need to have a way of eating that enables maximum fat burning to occur.  That way of eating is called a fat burning diet. You need to follow a fat burning diet, in conjunction with your exercise, or you will burn fat more slowly or perhaps not at all.

People Do Lose Weight By Dieting, But Not Fat

It is absolutely right that you can lose weight by dieting. However too many people think that the terms fat loss and weight loss are interchangable, but they are not. If you diet and dont exercise, you will not lose fat.

You wont achieve fat loss by dieting but you may achieve weight loss.

How You Gain Weight

It is not hard to grasp how you add fat and weight to your body.  When you use fewer calories than you eat, you add weight and fat to your body.

When the number of calories eaten is greater, the excess is stored on  your body as fat. You will add 1 pound of fat to your body, when you have accumulated 3,500 more calories eaten than used.

If you apply logic to this, you would expect to lose 1 pound of fat from your body by eating 3,500 fewer calories than you expend. Unfortunately, losing fat is not that simple. Dieting, by itself, will not result in fat loss- even if you restrict the amount of calories you eat to 3,500 fewer than you use.

What Happens When You Diet But Dont Exercise

Weight loss will occur, if you do that. The weight loss will come from a loss of water in your body and a loss of  muscle mass.  However, you will not have lost any fat from your body.

You may think that you are doing well, because your scales tell you about the weight that you have lost. However when you look in the mirror, you will still see the fat around your tummy, hips, thighs, legs or arms or wherever it was when you decided to “go on a diet”. You will also see sagging skin where your muscles used to be.

Also, you will probably put the wieght back on when you finish dieting. When you finish dieting, your body will renew its water level to allow it to function properly.

Fat Burning Diet: What You Need To Do To Burn Fat

There is more to it than what you eat. It also has to do with how you eat and when you eat. The internet and bookstores abound with articles and books on what to eat in order to maximize fat burning. However, many people find that a fat burning diet is too strict for their liking.

If you find it to be too strict, just use your common sense about your diet. It would not make good sense to regularly eat at McDonald’s, eat a lot of pizza, or drink a lot of beer regularly if you want to lose fat.

What will then become much more important to you, in terms of losing fat, is when to eat and how to eat

How To Find Out When and How To Eat To Lose Fat

You will find good fat burning diet info in a good fat burning program.  It will also help you to make the transition from the current way in which you eat to the way that will help you to rid your body of unwanted fat.

Click this link for more useful articles and fat burning program reviews.

Clothes Dont Fit? It’s Because Of Your Fat, Not Your Weight

Are you fed up with the fat around your waist, hips or thighs?  If the answer is yes, you may be at the point where you can do something effective to improve your appearance, health and well being for the rest of your life.

It is essential that you understand these three things, before I go any further

  • weight loss and fat loss are two different things
  • you can lose weight on a diet, but not fat
  • there is just one way to lose fat from your body and that is by exercise

Therefore if you want to rid your body of unwanted fat, you must embrace and do a fat burning exercise regimen.

Does An Optimum Fat Burning Exercise Exist?

There is no such thing as a best exercise routine for fat loss.  But, there is an exercise regimen that would be best for you personally.

There are two broad categories of exercise. They are aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise.

Jogging, swimming, brisk walking and bicycle riding are some examples of aerobic fat burning exercise activities. An example of anaerobic exercise is strength or resistance training.  There are other examples of anaerobic exercise, but to discuss them in this article would cause me to deviate from the main message of this article.

A good strength training regimen is most effective in achieving fat loss.  However strength training does not appeal to everybody.  You dont have to do strength training to rid your body of the unwanted fat.  You can lose the fat by doing aerobic
exercise that burns fat.

What Happens To Your Body During Aerobic Exercise?

When doing fat burning exercise, your body does not immediately begin to burn fat. There are stages it goes through before it uses fat for energy. In the first few minutes of exercise, your body uses carbohydrates for energy and not fat. This lasts for approximately 10 minutes. At that point, you begin to use fat for energy.

Fat Burning happens when you exercise at the right level of exertion for you. You know that you are exerting yourself at the correct level for you, when your body needs more oxygen.   How can you tell if it is the right level for you?

  1. your rate of breathing is faster than normal, but you are not breathless
  2. you will feel some sweat at the back of your neck and at the base of your back
  3. If  you are “out of breath” and find it difficult to speak, while exercising, you are pushing yourself too hard for your current level of fitness

If you experience dizziness or lightheadedness, it is not a good sign. It means that you are overexerting yourself and you should stop.

Your body will not begin to burn fat for energy, if you do not exert yourself sufficiently. Your body will carry on using carbohydrates for energy. If this is what happens, you will lose mostly water weight, which leads to a decrease in your metabolism. This is not what you want, because you burn more fat with a higher metabolic rate.

Also please understand that just because you reached the fat burning stage, does not mean you will stay there. To continue burning fat, you must maintain the pace that is right for you.

What Fat Burning Exercise Regimen Will You Do?

There is so much to know before deciding on a fat burning exercise regimen. It is important to get this right, because getting it wrong will lead to upset and frustration in connection with your weight loss. It could even lead you to abandoning your weight loss efforts.

Will you do strength training or aerobic exercise? Or will you do both?

Are all types of aerobic exercise equally effective at fat burning?

Click on the link that follows to learn what you need to know to help you decide on the best fat burning exercise regimen for you.



Blast Fat Away With These Fat Burning Exercises

Fat burning exercises should definitely be high on the agenda for anyone who wants to lose weight. How do you know where to start with al the exercise options available? Below are some recommendations on what to start.

Any individual aspiring to reduce weight will definitely look at decreasing fat. A diet that is keeping calories under control is required but that alone will not enable fast results that you are looking forward to. At the next step exercise and diet have to be incorporated to produce rapid results.

To find out all the details you might want to know about fat eliminating exercises, be sure to check out: Discover Fat Eliminating Exercise Routines.

We should start by getting the facts right. Workouts that include crunching and sit ups do not reduce fat in the body. These are used for definition and to tone the muscles once the fat has been burnt away, which is why a program that relies on this for fat loss would be painfully slow. There’s no harm if you include them in your workout regime but in order to eliminate fat make sure you engage in fat burning exercises.

Exercises which will start removing fat are cardio based, in other words, exercises that involve getting the heart rate up like running, aerobics or even swimming. The exercises are for the entire body and since more muscles are involved more fat is lost. This kind of routines increase the body’s ability to burn fat and so as the days go by you will reduce more calories.

In order to notice rapid results it’s essential to work out more that  20 minutes as it takes the body this long to let go enzymes that burn fat. You can burn up to four hundred calories every hour if you maintain your heart at the desired level for losing fat, i.e. fifty to eighty percent. working out longer is required to burn fat so its important not to get tired too fast,its essential to spread out the regime.

Just a reminder that if you are looking for a great free site with lots more information about fat blasting exercises and a range of other weight loss tips, product reviews and suggestions, then check out: Exercises That Melt Fat Away.

When you begin target thirty minutes thrice per week. The period of time you spend per session and the number of days that you work out can gradually be increased as you become fitter. The target that you want to reach for each session is between 1-1.5 hours, 5 times a week. This will help you the most to reduce weight.

You may want to consider purchasing a treadmill or elliptical trainer if you prefer to do these exercises at home. You will be able to reach your targets without stepping out of home. Alternatively, join a gym, a class such as kick boxing or aerobics or simply go for a run outdoors if that’s more suited. It is advisable to work out in a group as you will be motivated by people sharing your goals.

A surprise to weight loss, weight training is also beneficial. Weight workouts don’t bring up the heart rate but at the same time they increase the amount of muscle which in turn increase the body’s capacity to consume calories each day. Try increasing your protein which will sustain the muscle mass which is important for this secret calorie consumer to work effectively!

In combination with a nutritious food plan workout targeting fat for the time range specified will bring about fairly good loss of weight. Aiming to reduce two pounds a week is actually not that much. Did we disclose that you will also feel much more energetic?

I really hope you enjoyed this article. We also have a review of another great product that you might want to check out here: The Fat Loss for Idiots Programme Review.