Ten Super Foods You Should Consider


It is interesting world we live in, on one side, people are still dying of hunger, and on the other, they are dying from obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension. These concerns could be directly connected to much of what we eat, in one way or another. The solution to the problem of starvation is in the hands of politicians, however afflictions in rich parts of the world are in our own. Ironically much of the food we eat is what causes most health issues. In super food, that is. Super food is the answer to anyone’s prayer, food that helps us lose weight, stay healthy, have plenty of energy and live longer. There are no super food in meat, only edible plants. Since the idea of super foods is fairly new, scientists do not always agree on what types of food should be considered as super.The good news is that whatever list we use we can not go wrong.

The discription of super foods are in that they contain low calories and have a high concentration of nutrients. They are a marvelous source of anti oxidants and essential nutrients.  Here are just a few of them:


1.Wheat grass can effect the task of the thyroid, stimulating metabolism and helping digestion. There is a high concentrate of enzymes which results cleansing.

2.Wild blue-green algae contain probably every single nutrient we could ask for. Containing about 60% protein, and amino acids than soy beans. B vitamins, chlorophyll and beta carotene are contained within. It provides a vast improvement in memory, and immune system, protecting the body protection against viruses.

3.    Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, watercress, lettuce, parsley, endive, broccoli, lower risk of cancer and heart disease. The chlorophyll they contain has probiotic enzymes and proteins with a number of vitamins and minerals. They keep the blood clean, help the brain function and enhance the immune system.

4.     Raw cacao beans contain huge quantity of antioxidants – 21 times more than green tea, which is another super food. They are high in magnesium and contain a high pecentage of iron. It is pity that all this gets destroyed by processing; otherwise we would be eating chocolate to lose weight.

5.    Coconut oil speeds up metabolism, helping the body to burn more calories and contributes to weight loss. It has strong anti bacterial, anti viral and anti-fungal properties. Coconut is very rich in nutrients and can be used instead of blood transfusion if one was called for.

6.Bee pollen is high in protein, far more that in red meat.  It is considered the most complete nutrient found in nature. It is known to increase resistance against allergies. It is believed to have anti aging properties.

7.Cinnamon up to one teaspoon of cinnamon added to cereal helps utilize the blood sugar for energy, without being stored as fat.

8.   Green tea contains a range of antioxidants called catechin polyphenols. The powerful is epigallocatechin gallate, increases the metabolic rate.

9.   Oatmeal, as many other whole grains, is an excellent source of fiber, which accelerates weight loss. It is known to normalize blood sugar and increase metabolism for fat burning.

10   Yogurt is rich in calcium, which helps reduce weight by affecting calcium levels of fat cells, signaling cells to burn fat.


The most confidential facts about yo-yo dieting

The most confidential facts about dieting will not appear on food labels, or within a diet plan. You may only discover these on the television during some reporter’s expose on the diet industry. However, the truth about dieting can be found.

One of the most confidential facts about dieting is that the diet industry has only one thing foremost in their minds, and that is to sell you books, food, exercise equipment or whole programs. If you lose weight that is secondary, and in fact, if you don’t lose weight it works in their favor because you will then either buy more of the same products or try another weight loss plan or product.

How many people have exercise equipment hidden in the back of their closets, unused, inaccessible? How much money did they pay for this? How many people have dozens of books sitting unread on the bookshelf? In order for the diet to work, it must be part of the person? That is where the money is, in the purchasing of all these peripheral items.

Instead of buying fraudlent diets, People who wish to shed a few or more pounds would do better to spend that money on a couple of visits to their doctor and on some high quality food. Keeping a balanced diet is so much better for the body. Food should be a fuel. Your body needs variety and moderation in order to keep it working properly. For example, you can prevent disease by keeping your body’s pH balance right, about 7.4 on a scale of 14. It is proven that too low a pH can cause growth of bacteria. For your well being, it is better to be trending toward the alkaline side than the acidic side. The alkaline foods are the ones you see on healthy diet plans, the nuts, fresh vegetables, grains, fish, meat and diary products. Sugary foods take one the wrong way on the pH scale, and can not only cause diseases, but interfere with metabolism and weight control.

The constant yo-yo weight loss and gain that is so prevalent with serial dieting, is not healthy. You don't understand that you can only lose your money following these absurd weight loss plans. Celebrities and marketing efforts, books, plans, and schemes will never replace a solid balanced diet. You actually can eat more by eating correctly. And it will be less expensive in the long run. No more fads or gimmicks, live longer and healthier. Spend your diet money on sensible food, eat normal portions, and look closely at what is a healthy weight for you, and not a too skinny “Hollywood” figure! These are the most confidential facts about dieting that you will not find on a label or in a diet book or fad plan.

This article was written by Marc Hill. As always, I am looking for the whole mind/ body approach when it comes to solving life’s problems. My list of weight loss programs can be found at: fast-ez-weightloss.ksnreview.com