How To Get Rid Of Your Man Boobs – Lose It With Time Efficient Exercise

Exercising your chest intensively will not get rid of your man boobs (also known as men breasts); that’s a fact that not many people know. Usually, when a man wants to get rid of fat in a particular area in his body, he’ll train that body part harder; this is a very common mistake and it will only lead to endless hours of exercising with very minimum result.

Aiming for specific area on your body is impossible when you’re trying to burn fat; instead, you should aim to get rid of every excess fat in your body and the key to do that are strength and interval training. And no, you don’t need expensive supplements, fitness machine, or gym membership to do that. All that you have to do is take your free time to train three times per week at home. Similar principle also applied if you want to know how to get abs.

As I said, strength training and interval training are the answer, but relax, I won’t tell you to exercising 6 days a week or doing typical useless cardio; all that you need to do is invest three days per week for the excercise sessions. Here’s a sample of the training menu:

Warm Up

  • 10 reps of Bodyweight Squat
  • 20 seconds of Plank
  • 6 reps of Pushup or Kneeling Pushup

Strength Training

First cycle:

  • 8 reps of Bodyweight Steps-ups
  • 8 reps of Stick-up
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Do this cycle 3 times

Second cycle:

  • 8 reps of Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated
  • 8 reps of Kneeling Close-grip Push-up
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Do this cycle 3 times

Third cycle:

  • 20 reps of Bicycle Crunch
  • 8 reps of 1-leg Hip Extension
  • Rest 30 seconds
  • Do this cycle 3 times

Interval Training

  • Warm up for 5 minutes using the same exercise that you’ll do for your interval. Example: if you’re going to run, then warm up with running, progressing from light to intense exercise.
  • Exercise for one minute at hard pace (at a subjective 7/10 level of effort).
  • After that, continue with 2 minutes slow pace exercise (also called ‘active rest’) (approximately at 3/10 level of effort).
  • Repeat this “one minute hard pace and two minutes slow pace” four times; the last slow pace last for five minutes.

The Rules that You Need to Know before Starting

  • You need to spare three days per week to do the strength training
  • Do the interval three days per week. You can do it on a free day or after the strength training session; the most important thing is always have at least one day of full rest per week.
  • If you sedentary, have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, or other limitation, you must consult a doctor first before starting any exercise program.
  • If you are over 40, there are a few things that you should consider first, check it at weight loss over 40.

The training program above is a part of the beginner level in ‘Turbulence Training’ program, an exercise program that not only can answer the question “how to get rid of man boobs”, but also have the solution for anybody, male or female, looking for a great physical shape.

The program itself consists of 12 weeks workout routine that can be used over again to get you to your top physical shape and complemented with nutrition guidelines. If you are aiming to replace your man boobs with new chiseled chest, I highly recommend that you read further about the program at a review of Turbulence Training.