America Needs A Diet – We Are Overweight

Over the past 30 years, the United States has gained a considerable amount of weight. Over 65% citizens in America are either overweight or obese. Why? Multiple reasons account for this impressive weight gain, but most of it revolves around the popularity of processed foods.

There are so many factors that have accumulated into America’s weight gain that it can make you dizzy. For example, one issue is that the youth of today would rather be inside being sedentary playing video games than playing outside. Because of this, we now have a higher incidence of childhood obesity that it any time in history and it’s not going away anytime soon.

Another issue to consider is that with America being so fat, it will lead to a host of medical conditions in more patients than ever including hypertension, diabetes, along with heart disease. In this age of questioning who’s going to pay for America’s healthcare with the new healthcare laws, there will simply be an in adequate availability of resources to fix this epidemics consequences.

Processed foods are not a new phenomenon. They have a longer shelf life than natural foods, along with significantly less nutrition. They intend to be addictive to people. Partially hydrogenated oils were invented in the mid-1900s which are commonly known as trans fats and became extremely widespread in the 1980s.

The decade of the 1980s involve the introduction of foods that were processed and maintain very little nutritional value, but tasted great and had a long shelflife. As the digital age has progressed this problem is only worsened as now the United States takes in more calories than ever and does less and less to burn those calories off. Some examples of this issue include a preponderance of escalators and elevators everywhere, lawnmowers that look like tractors, wheelchairs that are electric, with the end result being America gaining tons of weight and needing to attend a weight loss clinics in Phoenix.

All in all, technology is a great thing. But along with these improvements have come the ability to create great tasting food that is very unhealthy along with numerous technological inventions for now avoid the necessity of burning off those calories. There is now an unhealthy overall lifestyle that did not have to happen and is something that we can work on.

Here are a few overweight facts in the United States and why it is in need of a Phoenix weight loss program. Did you know that over last 35 years refrigerators have gotten larger by 20%? In the United States now three fourths of trips that are under 1 mile are made by cars. Americans now take in sugar at a rate of 35 teaspoons daily. Each month, Americans now watch TV over 150 hours every month.

The bottom line with how America got so fat is lack of moderation with diet and lack of physical activity. The combination has produced baton of empty calories along with less activities that help to burn off those extra calories. America is fatter than ever and it appears that this problem is not going to go away anytime soon unless something is done to facilitate Phoenix weight loss.