What Is Gastric Banding And Where Is It Performed?

The newest and only global device with FDA approval is the gastric banding system, a surgical procedure for morbid. It is good for weight loss as it reduces the stomach’s capacity and so reduces food amount of food that can be consumed. Since its introduction in 1993, more than 180,000 Gastric Banding procedures have been carried out around the world.

Here are some of the reasons why bariatric surgery has became the one of the best forms of weight loss by surgery:

Minimally Invasive Approach

Surgeons duriing the gastric banding operation, use a laprascopic techique by the use of small incisions with long surgicall instruments. An attachment is made to the upper stomach area using an inflatable silicone gastric band similar to a wrist watch which will form a pouch controlling the quantity of food consumed by the patient. The end result is that a sense of ‘being full’ will be experienced on a small amount of food intake.

Least Traumatic Gastric Procedure

As the Gastric banding system does not involve cutting and stapling or stomach re-routing it is considered the less traumatic form of gastric surgery. The bonus is a reduced post-operative discomfort as the procedure is laparoscopic in technique. Shortened hospital stays are common and recovery is quicker. In future, if successfull, the gastric band can be removed with the stomach likely to return to a normal state.

Adjustable Treatment

All other gastric surgeries are not adjustable. A gastric band can be simply adjusted at any time to suit the needs of the individual. The diameter of the band is adjustable for a customized weight-loss rate to suit the individual. This system has to be flexible, as the needs of the patient can vary as weight is lost. For pregnant patients for example, the banding is designed to accommodate a growing foetus. Similarly, anyone not experiencing weight loss at the expected rate, can have the band tightened.

Abbey Hospitals are world leaders in private health care treatment, which also includes obesity surgery.