Rapid Weight Loss – A Simple Guide

Dr. Amazo’s formula not only dissolves fat, but gives you energy!  Get rid of a lifetime of stored toxins and waste products that cause you to be fat!  Lose 10 pounds in 10 days without dieting or physical activity!  Believe these claims or not, rapid weight loss and diet products make them constantly, and even more bold claims.

Hogwash! But even though they mostly aren’t true, Americans spend over 40 billion dollars a year on rapid weight loss pills, programs and products that simply don’t work. That doesn’t stop people from coming up with all sorts of crazy diets and weight loss products. Failure doesn’t stop new diets from springing up out of the wood work, or people from trying them.  Remember Joe Frazier’s diet, chew the food but spit it out?  He said it made him full and gave him all the nutrients without the fat.  See, mimes had the secret to weight loss all the time. Then there are the magic pills, creams, and diet supplements that guarantee to burn pounds without exercise, guaranteed. No that wasn’t a typo, they mention the word guarantee so often it starts to lose meaning. And when they don’t mention precisely the details of the “guarantee” it doesn’t have any meaning. It’s simply a way of making people think the product works.

Studies show that Very Low Calorie Diets, or VLCDs, work.  People heard this and now try them at home. The issue is that’s not how VLCDs were designed. When people are so much overweight it becomes a health problem, VLCDs were made to come to the rescue. These diets are designed to be used under medical supervision in a closed setting where people can’t go off the diet.  When used outside those parameters people tend to cheat, and what’s worse they can incur serious health concerns.

Rapid weight loss program, if it works, creates a number of problems with the body. Painful Gallstones develop in up to 25% of people who lose large amounts of weight over a few months. Careless dieters can often become dehydrated because they don’t realize a large portion of the water people need to drink comes from foods. It’s easy to compensate for this by drinking more water. Malnutrition can develop from not eating enough protein over a long period of time. The body can even become unable to process protein, which leads to serious illness and even death.

Rapid weight loss is a great idea.  But it’s not for most people, and should be administered and supervised by qualified medical professionals.