Basics of the Perricone Diet

The focus of the Perricone diet i.e. the diet plan set by renowned dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone is on looking younger and increasing longevity rather than on bringing about weight loss. These are a host of benefits that such diet plan provides. Here are the commonly observed gains reaped by resorting to the diet plan-

  • Decreasing of inflammation in all organ systems of the body.
  • Improving body metabolism.
  • Improving the heart condition and making it resistant to diseases.
  • Improving bone density.
  • Bringing about a rejuvenation of the immune system.
  • Decreasing the risk of cancer.
  • Helping in repairing the skin.
  • Helping to bring weight loss.

These are significant health benefits indeed and these account for the popularity of the diet plan the world over. People following it have been acclaiming the Perricone diet plan and have been recommending it to others too.
The Perricone diet plan basics
The Perricone diet is set based on Dr. Nicholas Perricone’s Inflammation Theory of Aging that points out that the food that is eaten by us leads to inflammations being caused and it is this inflammation that leads to aging. Just as in case of other fad diets there is a ‘villain’ in case of Perricone diet too. The ‘villain’ or ‘culprit’ that is to be dealt with/combated by the Perricone diet is inflammation.
Inflammations or the swellings are the causative factors of wrinkles, acne and other skin problems. These are the causes of a number of other medical problems too. The root cause of the inflammations or swellings lies in taking in the wrong foods. It is the bad or wrong choices of foods that are directly responsible for the wrinkles, degenerative diseases etc. as also of the hastening of the aging process.
According to Dr. Nicholas Perricone, by adhering to the diet schedule as set by him- following his diet and regimen of supplements and lotions the process of aging can actually be reversed. The Perricone diet assures to make anyone look younger within a time period of even just three days.
It must be remembered that the Perricone diet is a costly diet and requires strict adherence. The diet classifies inflammatory foods as the ones that include high carbohydrate and high glycerin items. Bread, pasta and sugar or sugar containing foods are some common inflammatory foods. As per the diet plan such foods ought to be totally excluded from the diet for a continuous period of 28 days and in their place anti inflammatory food items like salmon, avocado, berries etc. are to be taken in. This will ensure better health and will benefit the skin too. So, a healthier and more attractive body and skin is what is achieved by having recourse to the Perricone diet.
Some Perricone diet suggestions seem sensible and rest on accepted scientific bases while others may seem not explanatory enough. However, though the diet is unproven to a large extent yet its benefits being apparent qualifies it as a worthy diet plan to follow.

Five Tips On How To Lose 15 Pounds Fast

How to lose more ponunds? weight loss, orovo detox, weight loss secrets...
How to lose more ponunds? weight loss, orovo detox, weight loss secrets...

Want to lose 15 pounds fast? What kind of pounds do you want to lose – muscle, fat or water?
Did you know that most people when they talk about losing weight, don’t really know what exactly they are talking about? Almost everyone connects weight with fat, which is not entirely true.
If you want to lose 15 pounds just so it looks better on the scale readout, then it probably doesn’t matter whether you lose fat, water or muscle.
If your goal is to lose fat instead of just pounds, it is important for you to know that water makes up a part of that weight loss. Actually, especially in the first couple of days when dieting, like taking orovo detox, the greatest part of your weight loss will be water.
Numerous websites are claiming that they are able to reveal to you how to lose 15 pounds fast. Of course they won’t inform you that it can be dangerous to your health if you are losing weight fast. Of course, it completely depends what you consider ‘fast’. For some people, a month would be fast while others see it as something more immediately, like a few days or a week.
To lose 15 pounds within a months would be the better goal, as it is a lot more achievable. However, there is a possible risk involved if you don’t approach your weight loss correctly.
To lose 15 pounds fast, you can’t just lose water, which of course would be the easiest to lose. It is not possible for your body to stay alive without water. Deny the body the water and it will start to shut down.
Starvation or near starvation isn’t the answer either. It is a fact that your body will hold back when you don’t eat, so you might even increase your weight. When your body isn’t getting enough nutrients, warnings go off. In a desperate effort to survive, it hangs onto everything you feed it, which adds weight.
The best way to lose 15 pounds fast is by eating foods such as meat that use more of your energy to digest it. Of course you could start eating nothing else then fish or meat, but this is not a very healthy option either. You need hold onto a well-rounded diet, that supports your body with all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. You can eat a well-balanced diet and still lose weight if you know which foods to choose. Take your weight and fat content of your body before you begin with your weight loss plan and don’t forget to measure your body. Special calipers (usually part of a weight loss or fitness center’s tool kit) are used to measure fatty tissue on various areas of your body. Keep these figures handy so you can see your progress.
See below for 5 steps you can take to lose 15 pounds fast:
1) Try to avoid the use of salt, which causes the body to retain water. Use less salt and you will soon start to lose weight.
2) Instead of 3 big meals a day, try to eat 5-6 small portions – this keeps the digestive system of your body active.
3) Add foods that use more energy to digest, including meat, chicken, salmon, asparagus, cheese, carrots, squash and green beans.
4) Give your metabolism a boost with drinking water (ideally more then 8 glasses) throughout the day.
5) Exercise to build muscle, because muscle increases your metabolism naturally.
Re-take your measurements about every week or two and if you aren’t seeing results, adjust your weight loss plan accordingly.
It is possible to 15 pounds fast, if you take action and then stay with your plan.

Weight Loss Chart: Which Is Realistic?

Weight loss, is it a breeze?
Weight loss, is it a breeze?

Can you lose nine to ten pounds within a week? Possibly, however chances are, you may never succeed, at least for most of us.
Lots of weight loss charts are published nowadays, most of which are promising tremendous amounts of pounds to be lost in a short span of time. How many of these are real? Which of these are for real? And how many of these are merely hyping up an impossibility?
Let’s begin with the basics. Those who are engaged into weight reduction courses of good reputation are highly probable to reduce 3 to 5 pounds in a matter of 30 days. individuals who are trying to lose weight by striving to shed a part of their calorie intake a day are highly probable to reduce just a pound in 30 days. These are the feasible numbers for a fat-reduction diagram. These are the most possible results that you may end up getting if you choose to pursue a weight loss program.
So, can you lose ten pounds in a week? Most probably, you might not be able to … in any case not in a proper method.
Can you lose five pounds in a week? This is more promising, albeit, it will need a large crack from you.
weight loss
Weight loss charts, how far can you go?

Can you lose three pounds in a week? Oblige yourself to do a lot of fat-reducing actions from day to day and this is most likely possible.
Can you lose a pound in a week? Most weight loss programs, like orovo detox, can guarantee this as a result.
A prerequisite to the abovementioned, however: we’re talking about sustainable weight loss, not quick fixes to the problem of being overweight. Boxers can lose as much as 10 pound a few hours before weigh in, through sweating, abstaining, and stimulating bowel movement. But when they have already attained the necessary weight, they are most likely to add on double the amount of pounds they shed, in a span of a single night at that!
There are numerous fast fat-reduction schemes you can do,however the effect will be as fast too.
Long term results are the way to go, and to accomplish them, a valued and most reputable fat reduction program should be reviewed and identified. It pays to do your home work, even with weight loss and weight loss charts.

The Good, The Bad, The Fake: Another Look Into Weight Loss Supplements

Summertime is here and in full swing, which also means that bathing suit season is already upon you as well. This is scarier than Halloween, last minute Christmas shopping at the mall, or tax time for a lot of men and women. It is safe to say that many people desire to have the sleek and toned beach bodies that are splashed across magazines, television sets, and movie screens.

You may very well be looking to drop a few pounds in a flash for the pool parties, beach fun, and usual bouquet of summer weddings. While a change in diet and increased exercise activity will certainly get you where you want to go, they may not do it in the speed you are wanting. Too bad fairy godmothers do not really exist. This might just be a job for a weight loss supplement.

The Mighty Mighty Magic Pill

The market for weight loss supplements has exploded exponentially over the recent years. They even have their own aisle in supermarkets and drug stores. There are ads on television, in newspapers and magazines, and on billboards along the road. You can hardly surf the internet anymore without tripping over at least a dozen weight loss supplement advertisements as pop-up web sites and in your email inbox.

Before you fill out any online order forms, you should first consider if a weight loss supplement is the most ideal diet route to take. Also, which of the many brands and labels is the best weight loss supplement for you? It is always important to consult your family physician before beginning any kind of diet regimen, including weight loss supplements. This is especially prudent if you have any health problems and are taking medication.

If you are looking for a magic pill that will allow you to eat anything and everything you want without having to exercise and promises to transform you into a supermodel in two days, you might as well ask the Mad Hatter and that white rabbit about it during your tea party on Mars. Those weight loss supplements do not exist, and anything that claims to is probably not safe to take in the first place.

A company spokesperson is not the best authority to tell you if their product works, but rather the people who have actually tried it. Consumer reports can be found in the local newspaper, through news stations on television, and through the internet. Look for testimonials that are not on the weight loss supplement product’s web site. In the end, the only way to know if something works is to try it for yourself and see what, if anything, actually happens.

The market for weight loss supplements have exploded exponentially over the last few years. Read the above no cost article to see if weight loss supplements are right for you! View more articles at

What Should You Expect Following Gastric Bypass Surgery?

Gastric bypass has been performed for more than fifty years now and, although there are of course risks the majority of patients are more than satisfied with the outcome and enjoy a a markedly improved standard of living. There is however a price to pay and you will need to lead a very different lifestyle after surgery which could be very difficult if you are not prepared for the change.

Some of the post-operative changes are obvious as the principle behind obesity surgery is to vastly reduce the size of your stomach and to restrict the amount of food which you can eat. This means that the days of sitting down to a big meal are over.

But other consequences of surgery are less obvious.

For example, your days of eating foods that are high in sugar or fat even in small quantities are also over. The results of eating such foods can be very unpleasant as rapid absorption in your newly shortened digestive tract can lead to very disagreeable feelings of faintness.

You will also discover that the change in your pattern of eating leaves you very short of water so that you need to adjust to drinking small quantities of water during the day if you are to avoid dehydration.

This is all very well but just what can you expect from weight loss surgery in terms of weight loss?

Results will of course vary from one person to the next but it is important to begin by understanding just how post-surgical weight loss is measured.

Here you have to begin by calculating how much excess weight you are carrying and this is done by working out your ideal weight. Working in pounds, for a man this will be 106 plus 6 times your height in inches minus 60. As an example, for a man 5ft 10ins tall the ideal weight will be 106 + 6 x (70 – 60) which works out at 166 pounds. For a woman the principle is the same but here a women’s ideal weight is 100 plus 5 times her height measured in inches less 60.

Therefore, if we take the example of our man and give him a weight of 366 pounds then his excess weight is 200 pounds. From this starting point we will measure weight loss in terms of the weight loss as a percentage of excess weight over time. So, if after 6 months he has dropped 100 pounds then his weight loss will be 50 percent.

In general you could expect to drop about 50 percent of your excess weight within the 6 months following surgery increasing to around 70 percent one year after surgery and to in the region of 80 percent after 2 years. For most patients however weight loss will cease after 2 years and some long-term weight gain will appear. Long-term weight gain is generally around 10 to 15 percent of your excess weight.

Once more, in general, if you are excessively overweight you will shed a greater percentage of your excess weight (possibly as much as 90 or 95 percent) while if you are not so heavily overweight you may drop as little as 60 percent within 2 years of surgery.

You will almost certainly not drop 100 percent of your excess weight and are not going to reach your ideal weight as a result of surgery. For this reason, it is sometimes said that weight loss surgery is not a complete success. Nevertheless the vast majority of patients would not agree with this and would say that the improvement in their quality of life is simply indescribable. Something that is clearly evident to anybody who has seen the many gastric bypass pictures posted on the internet these days.

How to Lose Fat While Eating More and Doing Less Cardio

In the olden days, if you were to ask a trainer on how to lose fat, he or she would just say do tons of cardiovascular workouts and eat like a bird. Well, perhaps that is just exaggerating but that the mindset in the olden days. One would cut out calories like crazy and just stay on the cardiovascular machine and make the gym their home.

Fortunately, through research and experience that people have reported, this does not have to be the case. Now you can lose fat while eating more a do less cardiovascular workouts. Yes, you can still lose fat by following the traditional way but how many people have that time and luxury to do so?

This article will show you how to lose fat while consuming more calories so your body will stay energetic and change into a fat burning furnace. You now also will have more motivation to stay on your weight loss program because you do not have to give up your life just to make it to the gym. You need now only to do what is necessary to lose fat and look good.

So, let us dive into the methods for you to lose body fat.

How To Lose Fat 1

One of the key factors in losing fat is strength training. A lot of people miss out in this part thinking that it is unnecessary but unfortunately they are wrong, dead wrong.

Try this method for a change. Before you head on to the gym, make sure you know what muscle group you are going to work on and also the exercises. Then, arrange your exercise in a manner so that you can do three exercises back to back with little rest. Focus on large muscle groups only like legs, back, chest and shoulders. Do 3 sets of this circuit and each set do 15 repetitions; this will make your heart rate stay high throughout the workout, which is important for fat loss.

In your workout program, try to workout with free weights, cables and stability balls. This equipment will recruit many muscle fibers and deliver better results compared to machines. While you are in the gym, you need to get down to business. No chit chatting and wasting time in front of the mirror looking at yourself.

Strength training is very important to your weight loss program because it is the only tissue in the body that burns fat. The more muscle you have in your body, the more body fat you can burn. The amount of muscle you have in your body also determines your metabolism, The more muscle you have in your body the higher your metabolism.

One pound of muscle burns an extra 50 calories per day. This is the amount of calories needed to support the muscle because it is a living tissue. Hence if you compare two person that weighs 160 pounds, but person A has 100 pounds of muscle and person B has 120 pounds of muscles, you can be sure the person B can eat more and lose body fat much easier because the extra muscle in his body burns extra calories but notice that both of them weighs the same.

How To Lose Fat 2

The next issue is how to lose fat faster, burn more calories and spend less time on the treadmill. The answer to this question is simple and straightforward. You need high intensity interval training. This type of training is superb for breaking fat loss plateaus and also for boosting metabolism. This type of workout is such a shocker that you can literally feel you body burning even after you shower.

To do this workout, you would basically do 20 minutes of 10 intervals. One interval consists of 2 minutes, 1 minute slow and 1-minute sprint. So, you would run at level 9 out 10 for 1 minute and then jog at the speed of 5 out 10. Do this for 10 rounds and you are done. This workout deliver results and also saves you time!

How To Lose fat 3

The third step here is definitely my favorite and yours too. You need to eat more food. Yes, but not junk food, instead, eat lots of high quality food that will keep your body running efficiently. Try to include healthy protein, carbohydrates and good fat in every meal. Consume foods like egg whites, poultry, fruits, whole grains, vegetables and olive oil. You need to feed your engine well to burn fat. Stay away from simple sugar, sweets, corn syrup and high glycemic fruits.

Break up your meals so that you are eating 6 to 7 small meals a day. Every time you eat, your metabolism gets fired up to digest the food. So, it makes sense eating more but just make sure it is in small portions and contains only the good stuff.

So you see, you still can get a well toned and sexy body even though your are super busy. Getting washboard abs, sexy legs and toned back is not out of reach. Do not let other people discourage you or other factors in your life pull you away from the body that you deserve. You just need to know the right stuff to get things going your way. Learn from people that have done it before and learn from experts that know how to help you reach your fitness goals. People have done it so can you!

Tony Leong reveals his 5 secrets to losing weight in his Weight Loss system. He is giving it away for free for a limited time only. Go to to download it now. Click here to get your free stuff Normal 0

Rapid fat loss with Russian Kettlebells

Currently, people are dying to lose weight, they would do almost anything just to get rid of the ugly fat they have in their body. They are dying literally from the effects given by crash diets and unknown diet pills. Look around you, there are thousands who had been victimized by the dangers given by these unhealthy options to losing weight.

If you don’t like to belong to the population of these dying people then you should opt for an alternative which is healthy and been proven through time, a good example of this is the Russian kettlebells. This tool is an old time strength training tool which is similar in a lot of ways to a dumbbell although it is shaped in a different way. Actually, this looks like a cannonball with a handle and it is normally made from cast iron.

Losing weight through the means of Russian kettlebells is highly encouraged since it does not put any harm to the body. You lose weight merely because you are sweating thus the fat is burned off. You will also lose weight because you are subjecting yourself to rigorous physical activity that will help strengthen the muscle and get rid of fat.

Of course, the goal of losing weight will not be obtained without undergoing sensible eating habits. No matter how much you tire yourself to curb weight, if you cannot discipline the amount of food that enters your body then everything will be useless. Discipline is the trick, if you don’t have this then no exercise program will work well on you.

Who are the candidates for kettlebell exercises? Anyone. Those people who do not have enough time to go to the gym can most likely try out this trick since they won’t be asked to leave their house since they can simply look for a space to try the exercise. Also, people who hate exercising would discover the fun way of working out since they won’t feel bored by the process. Indeed, this is the best way to lose weight.  Kettlebell training takes less than 20 minutes a day.  Celebrities like Katherine Heigl use kettlebell exercises 20 minutes a day 3 times a week and look what it does for her body.

Orovo Detox:The Master Cleanse Diet Made Easy via “Master Cleanse Secrets”

Book Review: The Master Cleanse Secrets
Read: October 1, 2008
Reviewed: October 8, 2008
Summary: New medical studies show that detox and weight loss goes hand in hand, that is, while the Orovo detox is great for detoxing your body, it is also perfect for helping people lose weight as well. Many people actually end up gaining weight due to all the toxins their body has built up over years. Therefore, detoxing the body will help weight loss. As a result, you may also feel healthier as well. But statistics shows that 95% of the people tried the master cleanse diet and quit within two (2) days. So how can we actually do that?
This Master Cleanse Secrets Guide shows you how to begin and stick to the Master Cleanse Diet. You might have already heard about this diet since a number of celebrities have been talking about it.
For example, appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show, singer and actress Beyoncé Knowles revealed her secret: she had lost 22 lbs in just 10 days with this system! She lost the weight so she can play her role in the movie Dream Girls. Another one, Howard Stern’s co-host, Robin Quivers, lost an astonishing 73 lbs on the Master Cleanse Diet. Added to the list is Jared Leto, who gained over 70 lbs to play Mark David Chapman and used these Master Cleanse Secrets to shed that fat afterwards.
A closer look at Master Cleanse Diet and how this diet works.
The Master Cleanse Diet, also as known as the Lemonade Diet, is more of a fast than a diet. The fasting period cleanses your body of toxins and a fabulous “side effect” of this detoxification process is weight loss.
The Master Cleanse Diet has been growing in popularity for almost 60 years. A good number of people have successfully followed the Master Cleanse Diet in that time and had reported great results. Master Cleanse Secrets Guide has been designed so you can enjoy the great benefits of weight loss too.
To follow this diet correctly, you may need to stay away from solid foods for a 10 day period. Instead, you will be drinking a special recipe, which will clean out or detox your system. This might sound difficult but it really isn’t. And what is more, the results will delight you.
Why Master Cleanse Secrets Guide?
Master Cleanse Secrets Guide teaches you about the Master Cleanse Diet and motivates you to follow it through for 10 days. When you know the benefits of this diet, you will soon get to realize that it is definitely worthwhile.
The Master Cleanse Diet will help you lose weight – not only because you are drinking liquids instead of eating solids. Lots of the weight lost in this program is actually toxins and waste products that have probably been hijacking your health for many years.
What you can get from the Master Cleanse Diet includes:
* You will find that minor ailments that have been with you for many years simply disappear
* You will feel more energetic
* You will feel physically stronger and younger
* You will feel sharper mentally
* You will have more stamina
It might be challenging during the time to stick with this diet but Master Cleanse Secrets Guide will help you through it every step of the way.
Master Cleanse Secrets Pros and Cons
This Master Cleanse diet is NOT for everybody. For instance, if you only have 3 to 4 pounds to lose, you won’t need such a rapid weight loss.
However, if you are serious about losing weight, feeling healthier and looking great, Master Cleanse Secrets Guide will benefit you, by giving you the discipline, motivation and knowledge to see the Master Cleanse Diet through and guide you in reaching your goals.

Serious weight fighters, I challenge you to give it a try as I have seen many success stories from my neighbors and friends. Go for it!

Orovo Detox and Weight Loss

Orovo Detox
Many of us know that Orovo Detox is a muti-vitamin supplement that is introduced as a natural weight loss product with some miraculous effects. Orovo detox diet pills include a number of natural ingredients – the so-called ‘super foods’, namely acai, barley, buckwheat, cayenne pepper, flaxseed, alfalfa sprouts, lactobacillus acidophilus, soybean, garlic, and wheat grass. All the above have been scitifically proven to assist in dieting, refreshing your skin, and energizing your mind. They are all present in the Orovo diet pill, the Orovo Detox.
Orovo Detox and Weight Loss
But do you know that the root cause of weight gain affecting over 70% of Men and Women is because of the build up of toxic substances in our body? If you have not heard about this, you really need to read this report written by a great doctor from Arizona. It changed the landscape of the whole weight loss business.
The report goes to show that losing weight mostly means body detoxification. If you want to reduce extra fat, you have to detox your body, as simple as that. Body detox will help you shed some unwanted fat, you may benefit from a healthier body as well.
Orovo Detox gets rid of these toxins from your body, including vital internal organs. Then comes with it is the loss of weight. Orovo detox is made of the best detoxing agents from Mother Nature. It contains ginger, aloe vera, dandelion, Idebenone, grape seed, barley, and much much more. Ingredients like ldebenone, or ginger in Orovo Detox, are anti-aging agents too! What this means to you? It is that you are not only just losing weight for a healthier body, as a matter of fact, you are also fighting aging at the same time. See, one stone two birds! This is not brand new to the rest of the world, actually in Chinese medicine there are so many natural herbs that help fighting toxins and aging!
Note: Some web sites like eBay may be the place to find some really great bargains but when it comes to stuff that you put inside your mouth, buy only from reputable sellers like at!

Habits Are Dieting Challenges

When it comes to dieting there are several challenges that want to prevent you from succeeding. One of those is your habits. Habits have a nasty way of interfering with your weight loss goals. You can absolutly break your habits if you want too!

Habits are a good thing as long as they help you reach your goals. Unfortunately in many areas of life you may have developed some habits that do not benefit you. Since we are dealing with dieting and weight loss here we will focus on habits that make it more difficult to reach your dieting goals.

Maybe you can identify with this habit – watching TV or movies for hours. Hum, this does not contribute to fat lose or the building up of muscle but rather leads to muscle loss. Muscle loss further slows your body’s metabolism which reduces your bodies ability to burn fat.

Now do you just sit there or do you eat while you watch. You know the munchies, something to keep your fingers busy and your jaw a chewing! Yea, well that is another habit that does not lead to further weight loss.

You likely have other habits that will limit your fat loss goals also. If you stop and think about it for a few moments you can probably put your finger on at least one or two more areas that your habits control. Even if you do not identify with the above habits think about your own – yes you do have them – be honest with yourself.

These types of habits are major road blocks when it comes to losing weight. When you start the diet you have some initial will power and you do okay for a short period of time. But sooner then you desire the habits are back at work causing problems.

To be honest with you this is probably the biggest reason diets fail. Yes diets usually fail because of you! Ouch, the truth hurts sometimes, but be honest with yourself it is the main reason for your diet failings.

The biggest challenge is finding a system that can help you achieve your goals but even beyond that you may find that you need help with bigger issues like making mental changes that can lead to new habits.

A great diet you can follow for quick weight loss is a calorie shifting diet. It is a bit weird but it gets results. You can also learn about beating your habits at lose 15 pounds fast.