3 Really Useful Tips For When You’ve Got No Motivation To Lose Weight

Losing weight is the focus of countless people globally as is shown by the billion-dollar diet industry. Obeisity is without a doubt a rising problem, with three quarters of adult Americans classified as overweight to obese – and childhood diabetes being a rising concern among the world’s children. There are many reasons to lose weight but the problem commonly occurs in the motivation. So whats the solution when you don’t have any motivation for losing weight? To get yourself moving in the right direction, here are some strategies you can use for when you find yourself lacking in motivation.

Being Around The Right People

No matter what you want to achieve in life it’s important to get around like-minded people. Often you hear that if you want to be rich you need wealthy friends. Weight loss works on the same principal! Having like minded people around you is a powerful way to maintain your motivation to lose weight. Select your skinniest friend to begin hanging out with, have dinner together, go for a walk or join them in some of their favorite activities. before long, you start to lose weight lose weight and become like them as a result of following the same actions that they do.  If you don’t know anyone who is in shape, join a gym and meet someone that is !

Don’t Just Focus On The Positive

We hear all the time about positive thinking, fun goals and rewards. However, did you also know that you should consider some negative goals? Hang around for a moment if that sounds like a condradiction to you. Writing down all the great things that will happen in your life if you lose weight is great, however, thinking about the negative consequences of failing to lose weight can be a serious motivator as well.

As an example, list out all the bad things that could happen in your life if you don’t lose weight. For example, you might include diabetes, damaged joints, embarrassment, lack of physical attraction and more. The aim of this exercise is not to depress you, but to give yourself an injection of of tough love. We need a reality check sometimes to get that motivation to lose weight, and a negative goal list will do precisely that.


What you continually put before your face can be a strong motivator if you’ve got no motivation to lose weight. Do you avoid looking in the mirror for very long because you cannot stand yourself? Take some time each day to view yourself in a full-length mirror, take off your clothes first if you’re especially brave. Now, before you get totally discouraged you should take out a picture of yourself at your thinnest – or an image that represents your ideal weight – and post it on the mirror, refrigerator, and cabinets or anywhere you can view it very often. Promise yourself that you will get back to your best weight. Put your face on an image from a magazine that represents how you want to look if weight has always been an issue for you. Keeping a vision of what you want to move towards is a a powerful motivational tool for when you want motivation to lose weight.

It’s About More Than Losing Weight

Part of what I’ve said above could be seen as negative, but you have to remember you are not just losing weight; you are in a war for your health! Remember through it all to forgive yourself when you go off track, and aim to keep your goals firmly planted and in front of you.