4 Practical Weight Loss Tips For Women Over 40

Turning forty is a milestone in every woman’s life. Not quite a matron yet, but certainly not young in the “young woman” sense either. It is at around this age that the beginnings of menopause, a process that takes several years, are noted. The body does not use up calories as efficiently as it used to. In fact, for every decade after age 20, metabolism decreases by 10%. Thus, at age 40, the calories a woman consumes have a bigger tendency to be stored than when she was 20. The good news is that the body’s metabolic rate can be raised regardless of one’s age.

Regular exercise raises the metabolism, thus it is very important for older women to put extra effort in staying fit. Below are some very useful weight loss tips for women over 40.

1. Lift weights.

Don’t limit yourself to fat burning activities such as brisk walking and bicycling. Doing strength training exercises not only firms up the muscles but it also boosts the metabolism. The more muscles you develop, the higher your metabolism because muscles use up calories for maintenance alone. Your toned physique will be very different from other 40 year-olds who have allowed gravity and inactivity to take its toll.

2. Be more careful about what you eat.

You should take a serious look at your diet as well as your eating habits. If you consumed a lot of calories at age 20 and managed to stay thin, you would have to work doubly hard to burn it off at age 40. This doesn’t mean that you should deprive yourself of a treat now and then but at this point in your life, you must be able to practice more self-control.

3. Follow the 10% rule.

As mentioned, a 40-year-old body does not burn calories as efficiently as when it was younger thus you need to increase your physical activity by 10%. What is important is the intensity and not the duration of your workout. If you normally brisk walk for 30 minutes, you can challenge yourself more by jogging instead. Just by increasing the intensity of your workout you will already be applying the 10% without putting in extra time.

4. Pay more attention to changes in your weight.

If you gain weight and you’re over 40, it may be harder for you to lose it. Thus, if you monitor your weight, you can easily do something the moment you notice an increase.

Weight loss principles are generally the same whatever age group you belong. A balanced diet and an exercise regimen appropriate for your needs will enable you to achieve target weight and a higher level of fitness.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for http://www.skinnyasap.com/. He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Program and shares his knowledge at http://www.skinnyasap.com/ where he works as a staff writer.