All in the Pursuit of Weight Loss

Fats are not good because it can add to weight gain and obesity.  Aside from this, fats are also one of the major contributing factors that lead to various forms of heart diseases and disorders.  But do you know that there’s another reason why we should stay away from foods that are laden with too much fats?  Recent studies reveal that fats should be eliminated from our food choices because it secretes hormones that influence certain individuals to overeat.  According to the said study, a hormone called Leptin influences our motivation to eat.  This hormone is produced by fat tissues that are accumulated in our system when too much is ingested in our digestive tract.  More than anything else, this study also shows that Leptin doesn’t turn your appetite on and off just by controlling whether you feel hungry or full.  It can also make you want food more or less regardless of hunger.

In stride, we should still make efforts on weight loss regardless of the level of Leptin that is supposedly stuck within our systems. If truth be told, we believe that the key to weight loss is to make sure that your metabolism is all fired up by eating enough calories. The following are ways to get this done:

Always eat breakfast. A lot of dieters skip breakfast because they don’t feel hungry and take advantage of the chance to save some calories. Unfortunately such a practice does not promote weight lost. During sleep your metabolism slows down and to boost it, you need to eat that way it will be burning calories efficiently all throughout the day. Breakfast is crucial if you want to lose weight. Even a piece of fresh fruit and cheese is good enough.

Eat more often. Your metabolism needs food to keep it stimulated as the digestion process uses energy. For this reason you need to eat small meals frequently throughout the day. In other ways you can snack but keep your calorie count down to 200-400 calories for each mini-meal. Not only will it keep your metabolic rate high, it will also keep you from eating too much during regular meals.

Plan your meals. Although meal planning may be a bit of a challenge at first, once you get started, it’s going to be easy. If you know what and when you’re going to eat, you’ll be able to supply yourself with the nourishment you need as well as the energy required for the different tasks you need to accomplish throughout the day. It is also important that you always have proper snack foods within reach like whole grains, vegetables, nuts, and fruits and anything high in fiber. Losing weight the healthy way is really not a torturous process. The key is in training yourself to follow a healthy routine and once it has become a lifestyle, you’ll be losing weight and keeping it off permanently. So make the effort to shed off those unwanted pounds by following our recommendations, surely, you’ll also be healthy and well while being able to lose much fat and weight.

Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for He writes and researches actively on Weight Loss Reviews and shares his knowledge at where he works as a staff writer.