
We all know that reducing fat is a target goal for most dieters, especially since fat is seen as an obstruction to a healthy and lean body structure.  While it is true that excess fat may lead to weight gain and obesity, it is not right to attribute weight gain solely to the consumption of too many fatty foods.  Aside from fatty foods, too many salty and sugary foods may also cause weight gain.  In addition to weight gain, these foods may also trigger certain health conditions and chronic disorders.

However, the problem with cutting down on the consumption of these foods is that we are not used to living our daily lives without them. Although we can gradually consume these foods in less amounts until our appetites have adjusted to this arrangement, to say that we can get off these food choices drastically would be impossible.

There are those people who have accumulated too much fatty deposits in their system that they are already at the brink of becoming obese. For these people, a more restrained eating habits and food choices should be observed. There are some weight loss supplements that can help them with this dilemma; one of these supplements is called the Epistane.

What is Epistane and how can it aid in weight loss? We ventured into a thorough research about this product and found out some trivia about this weight loss supplement.

Based on what we have read, Epistane may contain some basic ingredients. The retailer does not reveal which ones are specifically contained in the formula and so we have no recourse but to make mere educated guesses using what we know about other similar products. From the hints and theories we have formed during our intensive research, we were led to believe that this formulation contains Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE).

DMAE is a naturally occurring, mild cerebral stimulant nutrient. It is found in such foods as anchovies and sardines. DMAE has been shown to ease chronic fatigue and depression in children as well normalize mood and brain function. However, despite its health benefits, people should be wary of DMAE. Long-term studies made on brain function and overall physical health show that if taken in excess, DMAE may actually reduce one’s lifespan.

Overall, we daresay that using a weight loss supplement that has DMAE is such a drastic move on the part of the dieter. Even if an individual is already nearing on obesity, he or she should still not opt to use this weight loss supplement for the threats that it can bring to the dieter. I this light, we daresay that this supplement should not be recommended for dieters. In fact, we believe that Epistane should even be banned.

About the Author
Charles Volcolatte is a health and weight loss researcher for www.skinnyASAP.com. He writes and researches actively on Dieting Reviews and shares his knowledge at www.skinnyASAP.com where he works as a staff writer.