How to Get a Six Pack by Sweating It Out

The most excellent way of how to get a six pack is by building the muscles in your body as well as losing fat. It is essential that crunches be done in order to build strong muscles. The first thing to do is to lie on the floor either with a mat or not. Then, cross both your arms at the front of your chest. After which, bend your knees upwards. Make sure not to place your hands behind your head. Do note that when you place both of your hands behind your head, it has the tendency to cause problems in your lower back. This is due to the stress on that specific body part as caused by pulling on your neck and head.

Another alternative way to do crunches is by crossing your arms on your chest front then lightly placing your finger tips behind your ears without at all pulling on your ears or neck in order to assist you on raising yourself off the floor.

Pull your abdomen in towards your spine at the same time inhaling as deep as you can. After which, raise your upper torso or shoulders towards your knees using only your abs muscles.

Be aware that you should not raise your back since this would eventually generate in back strain.

The major part of a crunch is the initial abs flex. As soon as your body lifts off the floor, make sure to exhale thru your mouth and end with a gasp as soon as your upper torso are not on the floor.

A new way on how to get a six pack abs is by performing situps. This is done by lying on the floor with your knees up and feet flat. Then, place your fingers behind your hands and ears. Sit up all the way and lift your lower back off the floor together with your shoulders. Then, lower your body down. Try to do this movement again. As much as possible, try to always challenge yourself and your body by doing more difficult movements.

Take note that you can easily do this exercise using an exercise ball. After these, you can do weighted sit ups. This could be done by holding a weight on your chest.