Loosing Weight Naturally

Those people are are overweight or obese don’t really diet, but put their energy toward working out and starting better eating habits, in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, emphasizing lowered fat consumption, and an increase in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Others who are dieting tell of needing assistance along the way to reach their weight loss goals. For those serious of dieting, they should consider a diet plan.

Fad diets that ignore the principles of the Dietary Guidelines may result in short term weight loss, but may do so at the risk of your health. How you go about managing your weight has a lot to do with your long-term success. Unless you’re like really obese where you need to remove the lard, gradual and slow weight loss should be your goal.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Check with your doctor. Before you consume less calories and start working out, as the lawyers say, consult your doctor first.

  • Go with eating less calories, but make sure you diet is still balanced, for loosing about two pounds per week. For the dieter, a day’s food looks like five serving consisting of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, and low fat dairy products. This may not be headline worthy, but it does shrink the waistline. Common sense dictates that this isn’t a miracle. Of course, this is the most prudent and healthy thing do to.

  • Don’t use that excuse that you’re too busy – find time to exercise. You can always start by climbing the stairs at work instead of riding the elevator, or parking at the far end of the lot instead of the closest. Then, assuming your doctor gives you the thumbs up, you can slowly add some form of regular daily exercise. Walking is a great exercise, since it’s free and most people already do it.

  • Even with moderate weight loss, the benefits are substantial. Loosing 5-10% of your extra weight really pays off in great health benefits and increased stamina. Say, if you’re 5 feet and six inches tall and weigh 180 pounds, and you want to drop 20 pounds, losing 5-10% (9-18 pounds) is beneficial. Research demonstrates repeatedly that slow and steady is the most health way to loose weight.

For those who are really overweight, or even obese, weight loss needs setting realistic but stretch goals, and the commitment to finally chan ge whatever is making them fat in the first place. If you have this much weight, then you should consider a diet plan. You should be driving towards a life where you both eat and exercise in moderation.

When the author isn’t with her diet, she’s a fan of psychic readings, the HCG Diet Seattle, and the Volvo C70 windscreen windblocker wind deflector.